Freitag, 07 Feb 2025
Literatur & Statistik: Offene Quellen und Datenbanken

DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals

"Open access journals are defined as journals that use a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access. From the BOAI definition of "open access" we take the right of users to "read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles" as mandatory for a journal to be included in the directory.

Quality Control: The journal must exercise peer-review or editorial quality control to be included.

Research Journal: Journals that report primary results of research or overviews of research results to a scholarly community.

Periodical: A serial appearing or intended to appear indefinitely at regular intervals, generally more frequently than annually, each issue of which is numbered or dated consecutively and normally contains separate articles, stories, or other writings.

Access: All content freely available. Registration: Free user registration online is acceptable. Open Access without delay (e.g. no embargo period)."

Science Alert – Open Access Online Journals

"Science Alert aims at rapid publication of research results by maintaining rigorous peer review process. Manuscripts (other than those that are of insufficient quality or unlikely to be competitive enough for publication) will be peer-reviewed by two or more experts in the fields, and a decision is conveyed to the authors in about one month.

Global circulation: Open Access policy and indexing in world known databases ensure the global circulation of the contents published in Science Alert Journals.

Open Access: With open access policy, any one is free to copy, distribute and display the published work, provided that the article is properly cited.

High visibility: Online free access, listing and indexing in a large number of bibliographic databases ensure high visibility of the published work."

European Statistical Office (EUROSTAT)

"Eurostat ist das statistische Amt der Europäischen Union mit Sitz in Luxemburg. Es hat den Auftrag, die Union mit europäischen Statistiken zu versorgen, die Vergleiche zwischen Ländern und Regionen ermöglichen. Das Amt bietet eine breite Palette wichtiger und interessanter Daten an, die für Regierungen, Unternehmen, Bildungseinrichtungen, Journalisten und die breite Öffentlichkeit bei der Arbeit bzw. im Alltag von Nutzen sind."

Collection of Online Journals (Uni Regensburg)

ASCI - Asian Science Citation Index

ChemWeb - Central to Science

EUR-Lex - Der Zugang zu EU-Recht

Software: Hilfreiche Open Source Software zur Organisation von PDF-Dokumenten (Linux, MAC, Windows)

Mendeley - Indexes and organizes all of your PDF documents and research papers